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Cotmanhay Junior School

Safe, Happy Learning

Welcome to Summer term

Dear Parents/Carers,


We hope you've had a restful Easter break and welcome you to our remote start of Summer term.


We are all adapting to new ways of working and want to take this opportunity to say what an amazing job you are doing supporting your child's wellbeing and learning.


It has definitely been a strange and challenging time - it is OK if you or your child feel wobbly and worried at the moment. We are here for you every step of the way as we figure this out together. Remember, if you have any concerns about helping your child to learn or you need any other support, please let us know by either contacting the teacher on Class Dojo or ringing the school office. The school website and school Twitter page are updated regularly sharing information and guidance which may be helpful to you and your family.


We miss the children very much, but we must follow the Government's guidance to keep everyone in our community safe. The school remains open for some vulnerable children, children with an EHCP, and children of key workers. For everyone else, we continue to provide learning activities in line with the curriculum on Class Dojo. Just because we are not in the same building, does not mean we cannot have some fun together! Your child will have lots of activities they can access until we return to school. So keep an eye on Class Dojo for ideas and remember to log onto Times Table Rock Stars.


We enjoy seeing our pupils' fantastic learning at home, please keep sending their work in via Class Dojo or drop it off at the school office. We would like to display pupils' work in due course.


We cannot say when we will be able to open the school fully, but rest assured that we will continue doing our utmost to keep your child learning and our school community connected.

