If you are not feeling safe, tell a trusted adult.
In school you can tell a teacher, teaching assistant, cleaner, lunch supervisor or volunteer. All adults are trained to help you - and they will help you.
If you want to, you can write your worries down and put them in the worry box outside Mrs Burton's office.
If it is the weekend or a holiday and you cannot wait for help, you can call Childline on 0800 1111 or follow this link:
If you need to speak to someone or need advice 'Ask Sam' at the NSPCC
If you are not safe and it's an emergency call 999 and ask to speak to the police.
The School Council are going to share some top tips on how to stay safe!
Click the leaflet below to find out more!
We have created some posters on how to stay safe online. Here are our amazing posters!
For even more information about e-Safety, click the link below.