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Cotmanhay Junior School

Safe, Happy Learning

Citizenship projects


We deliver an ambitious curriculum which is designed to give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. To do this, the curriculum needs to extend beyond the academic. We provide for learners’ broader development; aiming for all children to develop and discover their interests and talents. We aim to prepare learners for future success in their next steps, whatever that might be. We have high expectations of our pupils’ behaviour and conduct both inside and outside of school. We know there can be challenges within our community, and we aspire to shape responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society.


Each year group has a Community Curriculum project which they complete during the year. 


Year 3 - Outdoor Environmental Learning

Year 3 classes have the opportunity to learn outdoors in our Forest School area in terms 1, 3 and 5. Lessons promote the holistic development of every child, fostering resilient, confident, independent and creative learners. Embracing the outdoors is an essential part of a child’s learning experience and our children are encouraged to take managed risks through experiences such as cooking outdoors, enjoying a group fire and using real tools. 


Year 4 - Water, sewers and the environment!

Our Year 4 pupils are teaming up with Severn Trent Water to take part in an exciting project called ‘Super sewers’. Using their investigative skills, the children will answer such questions as:

  • What is sewage and where does it come from?
  • How we treat and recycle sewage, linking in with the water cycle
  • What should we put down the toilet and the sink? 
  • The consequences of sewer misuse 
  • How a healthy sewer can contribute towards a healthy environment

The children will also participate in practical workshops ran by Severn Trent staff:

  • Sewer soup – learn the waste water treatment process by creating fake sewage and attempting to clean it 
  • Water street – interactive insight into the water cycle followed by a measuring activity looking at how various families use water 
  • Hydration heroes – exploring the benefits of staying hydrated and how this effects our bodies.


Year 5 - Mini-Police

Every Thursday afternoon, officers from the Derbyshire Constabulary work with Year 5 pupils to help them become responsible, respectful, caring citizens. Pupils learn about the role of the police and the values of the police force. Children learn about cyber safety, pedestrian safety, fire safety and water safety. Pupils also learn about anti-social behaviour and crime prevention. Each topic taught has an educational input, a community session and then a reward session. Where possible, the community and reward sessions are linked to the educational input, for example the crime input includes a walk in the community near the school looking for any anti-social behaviour like graffiti or litter and has a reward where the children get to solve a mini crime in a crime scene investigation session. With water safety being important in our community, we are grateful to have the RNLI working with us to help keeping our pupils safe in a variety of outdoor environments.


Year 6 - Inspire and achieve 

Every autumn term, years 5 and 6 enjoy a visit from Nottingham Trent University student ambassadors, who talk to the children about university life. In the summer term, year 6 pupils also spend a day at the NTU Clifton campus. Children have the opportunity to think about their future, and potential career goals. 


