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Cotmanhay Junior School

Safe, Happy Learning

Reading across School

Fluency Pairs


Fluency pairs is a whole class and whole school approach designed to improve the fluency of pupils. This approach has been designed to give children increased opportunities to read with peers which is facilitated by class teachers.


Pairs are selected with a more able pupil acting as partner 1. Partner 1 is a reading role model to partner 2.


Modelled fluency – Partner 1 reads for 5 minutes with partner 2 listening intently as a coach. Partner 2 picks up on mistakes made by partner 1 asking partner 1 to ‘check it’. Corrections are made before reading continues. Partners swap roles and this is repeated. 


Understanding – Partner 1 and 2 repeat the activity above with both reading and acting as coach for 5 minutes. At the end of each 5 minutes, the reader must explain to the coach ‘what happened first, what happened next and what happened last based on what has been read.  


Summary – Partner 1 reads immediate next paragraph. They then summarise key events in 10 words or less. Roles are then reversed.


Prediction – Each partner predicts what will happen on the immediate next page. The next page is read and discussion about what was correct or incorrect is conducted. Partners then swap accordingly. 


Whole Class Taught Reading 


Comprehension of a wide range of texts is essential when reading. Explicitly teaching the purpose of different texts alongside the reading concepts that closely intertwine (retrieval, inference, vocabulary and summary etc) is completed in line with the National Curriculum to allow children to improve their understanding across different genres. Text choices for whole class reading are set at an appropriate challenge for the class and reading skills are explicitly taught through these. Children then apply this knowledge through independent reading based tasks to enhance their learning. Where possible and appropriate, texts are used as a link across the curriculum to pre-teach or consolidate content knowledge.  


Reading Across the Curriculum


As reading is the bedrock to excelling in the wider curriculum, it is of significant importance. Within all subjects, children have opportunities to practice their reading through engaging texts and extracts whilst improving their knowledge and skills in a variety of subject areas. 


Whole Class Books 


Each class in school listens to 15 minutes daily whole class reading which is modelled by the class teacher. By listening to the ‘expert’ in the room read, children are fully immersed in a wide variety of books throughout their journey from year 3 to year 6. Modern fiction to archaic classics are planned and sequenced accordingly. Children are exposed to a wide variety of authors, themes and book styles within each year group. Teachers show a passion for books to set the tone for a ‘love for reading’.  


Reading Book Bands 


When children have successfully completed Phase 5 on the Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up, they are assessed using reading book bands to help 'bridge the gap' between phonics and whole class reading. This is to to ensure that children who need to become more fluent can be accurately assessed half-termly to ensure accelerated progress is made. This assessment will inform the teacher if they need to stay on that colour or progress onto the next. Also, interventions can be pitched accurately based on the needs of individuals and groups of children.


If children have been assessed to have gaps in their phonological knowledge and need further intervention, they will read designated ‘LWRCU’ books which are decided upon when 5 weekly assessments are completed to monitor the needs of each individual. 


Love of Reading Books


Within each classroom, children have access to high quality texts that allow them to choose books to enhance a 'Love of Reading Book'. 'Love of Reading Books' are chosen by the child as something that catches their eye, something that will entice them to read and increase enjoyment around reading. This is then facilitated by class teachers to ensure text choices are appropriate.


Home Reading 


As part of the school homework policy, all children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes per day at home. This can be done independently or with an adult. When completed, reading diaries are be signed. These are checked upon by adults weekly. A dojo message is sent home to parents/carers as a gentle reminder for those children who are not reading at home regularly. 

Whole Class Reading, Fluency Pairs and Class Text Information Sheets
