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Cotmanhay Junior School

Safe, Happy Learning

Week 1- 2 Fractions B

National curriculum content

  • Count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by 10
  • Recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
  • Recognise and use fraction as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
  • Recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole [for example, 5/7 + 1/7 = 6/7]
  • Compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominator
  • Solve problems that involve all of the above


Lesson objectives

  1. Add fractions
  2. Subtract fractions
  3. Partition the whole
  4. Unit fractions of a set of objects
  5. Non-unit fractions of a set of objects
  6. Reasoning with fractions of an amount


What we want children to know

  • See that when a fraction is equivalent to a whole, the numerator and denominators are the same
  • Explore what a tenth is and recognise that tenths arise from dividing one whole into 10 equal parts
  • Count up and down in tenths using different representations
  • Represent fractions beyond one whole
  • Find a unit fraction of an amount by dividing an amount into equal groups
  • Understand that the denominator of the fraction tells us how many equal parts the whole will be divided into
  • Understand that the numerator tells us how many parts of the whole there are
  • Apply their knowledge and understanding of fractions to solve problems in various contexts
  • Explore equivalent fractions in pairs and begin to spot patterns
  • Compare unit fractions or fractions with the same denominator
  • Order unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator
  • Use practical equipment and pictorial representations to add two or more fractions with the same denominator where the total is less than 1


What skills we want children to develop

Use knowledge to solve reasoning and problem solving questions such as:


True or false?

2/10 of 20cm = 2cm

4/10 of 40cm = 4cm

3/5 of 20cm = 12cm


What do you notice?

Find 2/5 of 10

Find 4/10 of 10

What do you notice?

Can you write any other similar statements?


Continue the pattern

Can you make up a similar pattern for eighths?

The answer is 5/10, what is the question? (involving fractions/operations)


Mathematical talk

  • Is a fraction always less than one?
  • When we get to 10/10 what else can we say? What happens next?
  • How do we label fractions larger than one?
  • What does the numerator tell us?
  • Can a fraction have more than one equivalent fraction?
  • Which is the largest fraction? Which is the smallest fraction?