National curriculum content
- Measure, compare, add and subtract lengths
- Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes
Lesson objectives
- Measure in metres and centimetres
- Measure in millimetres
- Measure in centimetres and millimetres
- Metres, centimetres and millimetres
- Equivalent lengths (metres and centimetres)
- Equivalent lengths (centimetres and millimetres)
- Compare lengths
- Add lengths
- Subtract lengths
- What is perimeter?
- Measure perimeter
- Calculate perimeter
What we want children to know
- Use different measuring equipment including rulers, tape measures, metre sticks and trundle wheels
- Measure larger objects using metres
- Think about whether it is better to measure items in centimetres or metres
- Recognise that 10 mm is equivalent to 1 cm
- Compare lengths of objects using comparison language and symbols
- Use language such as longer than, shorter than, taller than, longest, shortest and tallest
- Convert measurements to the same unit of length to add
- Explore the most efficient way to calculate and develop their mental addition strategies
- Measure the perimeter of simple 2D shapes
- Explore different methods for calculating the perimeter of a shape
What skills we want children to develop
Use knowledge to solve reasoning and problem solving questions such as:
Position the symbol:
Place the correct symbol between the measurements > or <
e.g. 306cm __ half a metre
Testing conditions:
A square has sides of a whole number of centimetres. Which of the following measurements could represent its perimeter?
8cm 18cm 24cm 25cm
Top tips:
Ahmed’s ruler is broken. Explain how he can still use it to measure things in the classroom.
Mathematical talk
- What unit of measure would be best to measure ____?
- How many millimetres are in ½ cm?
- Which symbols can we use to compare lengths?
- Why does converting the measurements to the same unit of length make it easier to add them?
- What is the most efficient way to subtract mixed units?
- What is perimeter? How can we calculate the perimeter of each shape?