Safe, happy learning is the moto of Cotmanhay Junior School. We recognise that positive relationships are key to emotional health and wellbeing, and staff are alert to spotting any early signs of difficulty in this area.

We use a whole school approach to make sure that children develop the insight, language and skills to manage their emotions and to support each other. This includes using the Zones of Regulation in every classroom.

Communication with parents and carers enables us to share any concerns and implement any targeted support.
Common areas of difficulty in the area of SEMH needs are:
- Changes in behaviour, mood or appearance.
- Emotional distress.
- Difficulty concentrating and focussing.
- Interpersonal skills.
- Impulsivity and activity levels.
In this area of need, we:
- Assess by observing and talking to pupils, and discussion with parents or carers. We may use emotional scaling, the Boxall Profile or Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires. If relevant, we refer to our school counsellor, the school nursing team or CAMHS for further advice and support.
- Set specific targets and plan opportunities for those targets to be met.
- Deliver targeted support in small groups or individually, including following the advice of external agencies.
- Review progress and plan next steps for each child carefully.
Useful websites: