Emotional wellbeing and mental health is all about the rainbow of feelings that we experience as human beings. At Cotmanhay Junior School, we know that everyone is unique, and we teach the children that it is useful and important to recognise and identify our feelings so that we can feel in control of them. We also know that it is human to go through times which are not easy and not happy, and that there are things we can do to help protect ourselves and each other, to build our emotional resilience (or ‘power’) and to reduce the risk of poor mental health.
Picture by Isobel, Y6
Many of these things are part of our daily routine, and link to the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing', for example, taking exercise and connecting with our friends. Our weekly Jigsaw lessons explore more of the ways we can learn about ourselves and each other, and stay emotionally strong, and we have mindful moments throughout the week where we take time to tune in to what’s happening in our bodies, our minds and the world around us.
Derbyshire's 5 ways to wellbeing family guide
Derbyshire's 5 ways to wellbeing for young people
We recognise that mental health is a sliding scale and we may all move along it in both directions, depending on what is happening in our lives.
Our wellbeing provision map shows the types of support we can offer if we feel that a child needs some help and we work in partnership with families to decide on the next steps. This may sometimes include referral to other support agencies. Please let us know if you would like a copy.
When families need support with mental health and well-being, we can signpost to services which can help. We work together to seek advice and find solutions. Some of these services are included on the links below:
Online service for children over 10 years old: https://www.kooth.com/
Online service for adults: https://www.qwell.io/
Free mental health support for adults in Derbyshire: https://www.vitahealthgroup.co.uk/nhs-services/nhs-mental-health/derby-and-derbyshire/self-refer/
Mrs Hannah Pearson is our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead at Cotmanhay Junior School. Please contact her through the school office if you would like any more information or support.