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Cotmanhay Junior School

Safe, Happy Learning

Week 5 - 7 Time

National curriculum content

  • Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
  • Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours, use vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight
  • Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year
  • Compare durations of events [for example to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]


Lesson objectives

  1. Roman numerals to 12
  2. Tell the time to 5 minutes
  3. Tell the time to the minute
  4. Read time on a digital clock
  5. Use a.m. and p.m.
  6. Years, months and days
  7. Days and hours
  8. Hours and minutes - use start and end times
  9. Hours and minutes - use durations
  10. Minutes and seconds
  11. Units of time
  12. Solve problems with time


What we want children to know

  • Read and write times from clocks
  • Recognise that the hour hand moves along with the minute hand
  • Explore years using calendars to investigate the number of days in each month
  • Introduced to language such as ‘noon’, ‘midday’, ‘midnight’
  • Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock
  • Recognise and use Roman numerals on a clock face
  • Tell the time to the nearest minute using an analogue clock
  • Practically work out durations of time using clocks with moveable hands
  • Explore the most efficient ways of breaking the time down in order to work out the duration
  • Compare durations of time using analogue and digital clocks
  • Find start and end times to the nearest minute using both analogue and digital times
  • Measure and compare durations of time in seconds


What skills we want children to develop

Use knowledge to solve reasoning and problem solving questions such as:



A programme lasting 45 minutes finishes at 5.20. At what time did it start? Draw the clock at the start and finish time.


Explain thinking

Salha says that 100 minutes is the same as 1 hour. Is Salha right? Explain why.


The answer is…

25 minutes

What is the question?


Mathematical talk

  • What do the numbers represent on the clock face? Which is the hour hand? Which is the minute hand?
  • When is your birthday? What other significant dates are there during the year? Are they the same every year?
  • Why does a clock show 11 o’clock twice in a day?
  • Which Roman numeral represents the number ___?
  • How many minutes is it past the hour?
  • How many intervals will you break the duration into?