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Cotmanhay Junior School

Safe, Happy Learning

School Council

School Council


Every September, children are elected to School Council by their peers through an election process, which mirrors the procedure of forming a new government in real life.


Our election process

  1. Class teachers announce that there will be a class vote for one boy and one girl nominee. Teachers talk to their class about the roles and responsibilities of the School Council, and remind children of the values and attitudes needed to represent the school.
  2. Pupils who wish to be nominated explain to their peers the reasons why they feel they would be a good candidate. The class then complete an anonymous vote.
  3. The boy and girl chosen from each class will now begin an election campaign. They will think carefully about what they have to offer and what positive attributes they bring to the position. All nominees will produce an election video, which will be shown to the whole school in assembly time.
  4. A notice of election will be displayed in school.
  5. On Election day, a polling station will be created in the hall. Each class will visit the polling station at their allocated time, and pupils will correctly mark their ballot paper in the privacy of a polling booth, before placing securely in the ballot box.
  6. Ballot papers will be counted by a member of staff, and the results will be announced in assembly. One boy and one girl from each year group will be elected for School Council, therefore there will be eight pupils in School Council.

We actively promote British values to ensure all our children leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Within School Council, we focus specifically on certain aspects of British Values to enhance pupil understanding and to develop their leadership skills.


The British Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

British Values - Annual events


Each year, School Council will:


  • Visit the local Town Hall and Council Chambers in Ilkeston. Pupils will meet the Mayor and debate a topical theme such as the environment, transport, recycling or climate change.
  • Visit London and tour the Houses of Parliament. School Councillors will learn how laws are made, and will discover the differences between the House of Commons and House of Lords. Pupils will sit in the House of Commons behind the Prime Minister’s seat and then walk across London to see important sights such as Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, the River Thames, and the Cenotaph.
  • Deliver an assembly to the whole school on anti-bullying.
  • Collect pupil voice linked to the School’s Development Plan and the curriculum.

Once pupils have been elected to School Council, they will apply for a specific role to work closely with senior leaders and governors helping to gather pupil voice, and contribute to decision-making.




Sports Councillor

X2 positions

  • Apply to be a Sports Leader
  • Work with Miss Richardson to order PE equipment and help keep the PE equipment tidy
  • Obtain pupil voice on break time and lunch time sports. Feedback to Mrs Lewis and Miss Richardson
  • Meet with Mrs Lewis and Miss Richardson to discuss the Sports Premium Development Plan



Environment Councillor

X2 positions

  • Ensure classrooms have the correct recycling information and the classroom recycling bins are used properly
  • Collect old pens for recycling centre in Heanor
  • Help collect rubbish on the playground using the litter pickers
  • Meet with Mrs Bower to discuss how we can improve the school environment
  • Help to plant flowers by the entrance to school



Behaviour Councillor

X1 position

  • Meet Mr Robinson each term to discuss behaviour around school and review the school’s behaviour policy
  • Model excellent behaviour at all times
  • Meet with Mr Watson to discuss rewards for positive behaviour  
  • Help design certificates or make posters to promote positive behaviour
  • Manage the break time display. Place a sticker by the correct class when they are chosen at break time. Meet with Mr Watson to decide the half-termly reward for the winning class



Health and Safety Councillor

X1 position

  • Meet Mr Robinson and the safeguarding governor to discuss the safeguarding audit and provide a child’s perspective
  • Walk through the school on a health and safety inspection with Mrs Headley-Fern
  • Design a poster for the Year 3 classrooms on how to keep safe in school




Healthy Food Councillor

X2 position

  • Work with Mrs Morley to help run the tuck shop at break time
  • Discuss with Mrs Morley which healthy snacks to buy
  • Gather feedback from pupils on snack choices
  • Meet with Mrs Bower to find out where in the curriculum pupils learn about healthy eating
  • Help teach children and parents about healthy eating e.g. make a poster, create a healthy eating section on the school website  